Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Unemployment Sky High

The national unemployment rate is reaching an all time high of 10%, and reports are speculating that it could reach 12% in the new year. This statistic is a big blow to America. We are all feeling the effects of the downfall of the economy and the recession. We are being told by our Washington officials not to worry, and things are getting better, but companies are still having to close down, decrease number of shifts, or cut back jobs. President Obama is trying to generate more jobs, trying to stimulate our economy, through providing jobs in the alternative energy and healthcare fields. In my opinion we have so much money invested in China and other manufacturing countries that our national economy is suffering greatly. Companies keep taking their manufacturing overseas, which means there is less opportunity here for people to work.

I understand that outsourcing overseas is economically better for these companies, but I question whether the outcome is really worth it for these companies. I also believe that cash for clunkers was a good idea, but should have been used on Americans cars only. Doing this could have helped to jump start economy, make American cars more desirable then the foreign competition. In order to thrive and remain a competitive country we need to start brining jobs back here. The government should start mandating corporations to create more American jobs, which could help stimulate the American economy. Another report I looked at explains that more and more college graduates are moving overseas for jobs, why can’t we create jobs here for them. Many companies expect you to have so much experience to fill higher paying jobs, but what about all of these newly educated graduates, where are the job offers for them. People are going back to school to try to get better jobs, but if they don’t have experience they are being turned away, yet if they have too much experience they are being turned away too because the companies do not want to pay them for experience. How do students and recent graduates, or highly experienced win this game? In order to make a semi good living you still need a graduate’s degree or do move up the ladder with a good company. We need to look into what is working in other countries, why are they more desirable in the job market right now. All we can try to do now is bring back mill jobs, car manufacturing plants, and help people get on right career paths.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely on the nation's economy and the unemployment. It has become so out-of-hand I am not sure what is going to fix it.
    You make very good points throughout the entire piece. I, personally, am feeling the effects of the poor economy and job issues. Having had pay cuts, benefits taken away, other benefits decreased, and the uncertainty of how long the job is going exist is pretty unnerving.
    I believe that the government needs to provide some incentives for the companies in the US to bring jobs back to get our economy going again.
    There is also the uncertainty of whether going to college to get a degree at this point is going to turn out to be a waste of time. I really know it will be worth it in the long run (reminds of of microeconomics class) but sometimes it is difficult to see past the present.
    Here's hoping Obama does something to kick start the nation!!!
