Friday, November 13, 2009

Gay Marriage Rights

I agree with Jill’s take on her positive and pro stance on Gay marriage. With so many issues going on today in the world the last thing we should be fighting or arguing about is gay marriage. I say let gays have their equal rights and be able to marry whoever they want to spend the rest of their life with. I use to think with a closed mind, but over the years I have gotten to know many gay woman and men and realized “hey they are just like me and you.” Yes, they may have different interests but they love each other just like a straight couple, and deserve to have the same rights. To be honest many gay couples from what I have noticed have healthier relationships then straight men and women. I agree that California should have passed proposition 8 that got voted down, I don’t know why its our choice of who gets married and doesn’t. There are many extreme and close minded people out there who don’t get to know these people and just decided that the bible and their beliefs are the be all and say all. These people judge gay marriage and do what their priest, pastor or religious leader says. Iowa was the first mid west state to allow gay marriage and they even have there own website to promote it. Life is too short to be angry cause someone is different, and does not follow the norm of what the right wing conservative believes. So all in all, I believe gay marriage should be universal.

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