Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Health Care Reform

Anne Coulter, is a conservative, right wing, opinionated commentator who has won many fans as well as enemies with her racy, and controversial beliefs. In the blog that I read, she goes on the attack of President Obama’s health care reform. There are very many things that Ms. Coulter presents in the entry that I disagree with. First, she attacks the governments involvement into private insurance companies, stating that the best way to have insurance companies compete is to allow states to open up interstate commerce which would allow insurance companies to act like a car insurance or home owners insurance company. Now her idea sounds like a great one, but does not fix the problem that everyone should have insurance coverage, especially when as a country we rank 26th in the world for healthcare. I believe the government needs to step in and take action because insurance companies deny so many people everyday of health insurance. Insurance companies deny coverage to many different individuals because of a health condition or a preexisting condition they may suffer from. The government’s plan would work to end this, and allow anyone the opportunity to get healthy at a reasonable price. She then goes onto explain that in her opinion if you were to move across states, you would still qualify for the luxuries of the proposed insurance reform and would be able to obtain car and home insurance, hairdressers, baby sitters, dog walkers, computer technicians, cars, houses, food and every other product and service not heavily regulated by the government. Now even if Ms. Coulter’s opinions were true and everyone in America would move to take the benefits, I think the reform would prevent American’s from taking advantage of the new system. If you read the presidents fine line it states that there would be a tax credit for insurance and this would only be for healthcare not home or car insurance. Now, I do believe bigger companies should be slapped on the wrist for not covering their employees; Ann goes on the attack saying larger companies should not be penalized for not offering coverage to their employees. I think health coverage for employees is important; I worked for a company when I first moved to Austin who decided health coverage for most of its employees was not necessary, and it was taken away from us. I was shocked when I learned that the company would not cover me medically, and all of my doctor visits, medicines would have to come out of my pocket. Of course weeks after learning about the end of my health coverage I was diagnosed with shingles and had to pay for everything doctors visits, tests, and expensive medication with the little money I got from my paycheck. Health insurance is important for everyone, large companies should be penalized if they can’t cover their employees, but in reality it just makes more sense to find a proper system that would allow coverage for everyone.

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