Friday, September 11, 2009

CIA interrogations of high-profile terrorism suspects.

With the ongoing investigation of water boarding and advanced tactics that has been used to interrogate terrorists over the past few years at the dreaded Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, CNN reports this week on FOXNEWS Sunday morning that former vice president Dick Cheney went on the record stating it is a terrible decision to review these cases again. With president Obama under pressure from left winged democrats, President Obama has had the Attorney General Eric Holbert to review these cases again. That was executed over the past several years at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Cheney calls this issue, a political stunt and flat out as he says funny. Cheney still prides himself that the illegal actions they took against the so called terrorists that many American lives were saved and attacks were foiled. Also the people who executed these actions were persecuted. As more findings go into it the Cheney-Bush policy on advanced tactics clearly violates international law (Geneva Convention) Also last week Attorney General Holder explained that the justice department would in good faith, not persecute officers who followed legal guidance in executing these tactics on the detainees.

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